A1 Rubber

A1 Rubber floor coatings applied by Warren Coatings, Queensland and Northern NSW


A1 Rubber South East Qld Warren Coatings

A1 Rubbers mission is to lessen the impact on the Earth’s environment, reducing landfill and produce more economically responsible products.   A1 Rubber has successfully achieved this by stripping rubber from old tyres to form new Australian made rubber flooring products.

Warren Coatings applies the following A1 Rubber floor coatings in South East Queensland:


Aero Shockpad – Soft Fall Pads

CSBR – Pre-coloured Rubber Granules

Fast Pads – Bark & Sandpit Soft Fall System

Polytrak – Professional  Athletic Track System

RockTile – Indoor/Outdoor Rock Climbing Soft Fall

SoftFill – Equestrian Arena Rubber Infill


Read more about A1 Rubber’s products and systems  or contact Warren Coating for a obligation free quote  on A1 Rubber floor coatings in Queensland and Northern NSW for your application requirements.